Whenua Iti Outdoors is a registered charitable trust that has been operating since 1986. Our mission is to " encourage the holistic development of individuals through outdoor experiences."
100% of your donation to us will help sponsor a child on our Journey programme that runs in the school holidays. Our current funding only allows us to provide for 1/3 of the referrals we receive.
The focus of 'The Journey' is to provide fun, challenging outdoor group experiences that increase confidence, resilience and motivation amongst the young participants. Many of these young people would not easily be able to access this opportunity due to limited family resources.
Whenua Iti Outdoors ASB Nelson-bank account number:
1231 93000 9506 00
Every dollar counts even if it is just couple....it all counts, if you make a donation, e-mail me at gilbynz0@yahoo.co.nz so I can thank you, You will be able to follow on line through the kiwi brevet website as we will be carying spot trackers. Cheers Gilby