This is taken from my Mum's Tramp diary. Basically I had been on one tramp and then begged my mum to take me tramping. Thanks Mum for taking that gamble of going into the hills. It has led to passion for outdoor adventure.
24th and 25th January 1988
24th January
Having done quite a few day trips with cubs and scouts Chris and I decided it was time to take the big plunge and do an overnight tramp. A big decision but it was great fun even if the B.N.Z. guys didn't think so.
We left Holdsworth in sweltering heat, it was extremely hot, especially the big hill beyond Donnelly Flat. But after that it was good as was mainly under the trees and in the river. The track was reasonably easy to follow. Just after the last river crossing we got a bit bamboozled, but found the hut easily. The tramp took four hours and there was no one there when we arrived, but soon after seven guys from the B.N.Z. computer centre arrived. Fortunately some of them had tents so we didn't have a sardine squash in the hut and the weather was good for sleeping under canvas. We had thick comfortable mattresses to sleep on. Chris and I slept on the bottom bunk. I hardly slept a wink all night.
We learnt plenty on this tramp - Chris's boots were far too big. Must buy a cooker as it is hard cooking over the open fire place.
25th January
We left the hut at 9.00 a.m, before the other guys. They caught us up - easily. They passed us when we were swimming in the river just before Donnelly Flat. We were out and home by 2.30 p.m. A great experience. No photographs as I forgot the camera. I was pretty tired and sore after this tramp.